East Texas APA

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s this pool league all about?
The purpose of playing in the East Texas APA pool league is to get out and have a great time. You’ll meet all sorts of great people and have fun! This is a great way to network and play pool at the same time!

I play pool every now and then, but I'm not an advanced player. Can I still play? Do I have a chance to win?
Yes! One of the best things about the APA is the fact that everyone can play and anyone can win! The league operates using the Equalizer Handicap System (much like golf or bowling leagues use a handicap system). This means that all players – even beginners – can compete and win. This is what makes league play so much fun! Many of the best pool players in East Texas play in the APA, right along side beginners and intermediate players!

Is there a membership fee?
Yes. Players pay a one-time-annual membership fee of $30.00. This membership fee allows you to play in all APA formats throughout the year. As a member, you are entitled to various discounts. If you take advantage of these discounts, the membership fee will pay for itself!

How much do I pay for weekly league play?
Playing in the East Texas APA is one of the most affordable forms of entertainment available! Your league fees will cost you less than going to a movie or just about anything else you can find to entertain yourself! Your entire team pays $40 per week, which is only $8 per player! Double Jeopardy league, Masters league and Doubles leagues fees are between $8 - $14.

How do I set up an online account to view my information and statistics?

Go to:members.poolplayers.com and click on Claim Your Account. On the next page, enter the information requested. Be sure to type your member number and your name exactly as it is on your membership card. You will be asked to create a password. Then type in your email address (be sure to set any email spam blockers to allow mail from poolplayers.com). An email with a link will be sent to the email address you provide. Click on the link and the setup process will be complete.