Board of Governors 

Handicap Review Committee

The APA operates the League through a network of independent entrepreneurs called League Operators (LOs). In this manual, League Operator, Local League Office, Local League Officials, and Local League management all mean the same thing. The League Operator is a professional administrator. The LO has full authority to make rulings concerning all aspects of the League. Please be aware that the APA stays in close contact with all LOs, keeps them up-to-date with all the latest developments and makes rulings on questions they may have. Because your League Operator is a trained professional, you can be confident the schedules, standings, handicap system, special events and all other League affairs will be handled promptly and accurately. Only an APA authorized League Operator may administer the League. Your League Operator may hire assistants and/or representatives to improve service to you.


The Division Representatives (DR)
The APA recommends there be a Division Representative for every division in the League. The Division Representative (DR) may either be elected by the teams in his division or appointed by the League Operator. He is a person of integrity and is consistently active in the League. The DR is a member in good standing and enjoys the involvement this position offers. He helps make sure bulletins and other League information and materials get distributed to, and are understood by, the Team Captains in his division(s). He helps improve the League by passing information between the Players and the Local League Office. He may also assist League Management with the Local Championships and other special events. The DR may serve on the Board of Governors. He is knowledgeable concerning League affairs and may be consulted by other members in the League. Consulted is the key word here because the DR does not have the authority to make rulings as an individual. However, it is a logical choice to call your DR if you have a protest or dispute—he may be able to help solve it. Remember, the DR has no more authority than any other member to make rulings unless he is acting as a member of the Board of Governors, and then only during an actual meeting of the Board. Remember, also, that his advice and interpretations are generally correct.


The Board of Governors (BOG) 
The APA recommends that a Board of Governors (BOG) exist in each League area to hear and rule on protests and disputes. In larger areas, a number of Boards may exist. A Board of Governors generally consists of a number of Division Representatives. The business conducted by the BOG will normally concern protests, disputes, sportsmanship violations and other similar issues. The BOG, in addition to settling such issues, may also hand down penalties. Penalties may vary from loss of one point to a number of points. Penalties can include loss of eligibility, fines, or suspension of membership. The League Operator represents a higher authority than the BOG, but the APA has asked League Operators to uphold the findings of the BOG unless they are in violation of APA League rules or policies. The BOG may not conduct meetings without approval from Local Management. It is essential for the members of the Board to understand that the Board is there to assist the League Operator—not to monitor, criticize, or supervise. Members who cannot accept their role as just described may be removed from the Board. The existence of a Board of Governors in your area is the best way to ensure the various situations that can and do occur get resolved as fairly as possible. Please accept their rulings and support your Board of Governors at all times. 


The Handicap Advisory Committee (HAC)
The League Operator may find it useful to establish a committee—Handicap Advisory Committee (HAC)—to assist him with handicap review. The HAC, will normally consist of a number of highly skilled members who are familiar with APA League play. Certain members of the BOG may also be on the HAC. HAC members may be known to the membership or their identities may be kept confidential. Your HAC members are your friends unless you are an offender. The functions of the HAC may include reviewing new members and making recommendations concerning the assignment of skill levels to known highly skilled players. The HAC may help review the skill levels of all area players entering Higher Level Tournaments. The HAC may also periodically review the skill levels of players and help make rulings on protests concerning handicap and sandbagging violations. Just as with the BOG, the League Operator is the final authority.